Monday, October 4


I think that the cut-up method is a interesting way to make a reading different then the normal plain jane readings. Actually sitting down and trying to make my own cut-up, it is hard not to care that it might not make complete sense. I am so use to my papers to flow smoothly, putting the cut-up together makes me feel that I am doing it wrong but I know in my head that its not supposed to make sense. I tried to read my cut-up out loud and I have had to read it slowly because if I dont I stumble. I do like how some of the pieces fit perfectly making it sound better then the original, then it can have the opposite effect and not make sense. I hope that I will be able to get pass the fact that my cut-up will not make sense, I will just have to try and forget everything that I have ever learned about writing. After watching RiP! A Remix Manifesto, I think that the music mash-ups are way better sounding then the written mash-ups. It made me think that we could all go to jail for making out cut-ups, I'm sure we are violating several copyrights. I think that this cut-up project is a great break from having to write boring papers about things that do not interest me. This project has givin me free reign for what I write about.

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